Carl Nicolay - How to become a (new born) baby!


... it starts 27th Dec 2010 morning around 7.00 am. „ Something is wrong“ said Anna (at this time, my mother-to-be). „We should check it out at the hospital. Anyway, it’s on our way to Vasastan Stockholm, but I am sure nothing is wrong with Carl“. It is at this point that I decided to arrive very same day.

It was totally not planned for this date. My parents wants to go shopping to melandags" Sale at Nordiska Kompaniet in Stockholm. Not everything can be scheduled , which is something my parents will have to learn – yeah!

From the early morning until the evening my parents had to wait. While waiting my mum tried different positions for my birth. In the end she went the Classic Style. She also needed some medical help to alleviate the pain (I’m sorry mum, this wasn't planned that way). At 19.37 I finally popped out into the real world.

My first scream (this is important for my lungs), was delivered because I was a little disappointed – which idiot creating such a small exit for a giant like me! The doctor had to widen up my exit door and helped me thru. It was a very uncomfortable way out – I can tell you.

But I fixed it and taking my first dinner with my mum. It was delicious. My dad Stephan is taking pictures of me (when he wasn't sleeping, in different positions and situations. You can find them here on this web site: Carl Nicolay - How to become a new born baby!

My parents Anna and Stephan are now taking good care of me. We are hanging around in our flat, deleting my napes, traveling to visit my German relatives, receiving visits from a lots of people and ... getting presents – and all for me, yeah!

This homepage is a memento of my birth for everybody who might be interested, my relatives, my parents and of course for myself.

Your Sincerely,


Hello, I am Carl ...

What I have:

  1. -more cloth than parents together

What I need:

  1. -to be loved by my parents

  2. -food, food, food

  3. -swaddling clothes (many!)

Right now I‘m in ...

SWE Stockholm Vasastan

GER Rossdorf Schulgasse

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